27 August 2016

I'm back!

Hello Family and Friends and other Interested Genealogists:

After an absence of 8 years, I'm back to blogging on this genealogy site.  I've been raising kids, leading a Precepts Bible Study (2009 - present), learned to quilt in 2009, started my own quilting business in 2011 (- present).  I've been doing some genealogy, but it's somewhat limited right now.

We had a family reunion of the Hagans and Cregos this weekend and questions came up about our family.  It occurred to me that I have so many interesting stories and facts about our family and I'm just not able to update my static genealogy website on a regular basis.  So it occurred to me that I'll start posting on a regular basis an interesting story or fact about one of our ancestors.  Enjoy!

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